last price paid based on date


Dimitri de Failly


I'm trying to do the following
I have a table with "purchase date", "item purchased", "vendor" and "price"
and would like to extract for each item and vendor the LAST price paid.

040101 ItemA VendorX 10$
040131 ItemA VendorX 11$
040215 ItemA VendorY 12$
040312 ItemA VendorY 13$

The result should be
040131 ItemA VendorX 11$
040312 ItemA VendorY 13$

Any thoughts ?
Thanks in advance for your help !!

ps: I have tried to run a pivot table view with a grouping by max but it
shows the last date (in my example 040312)


I see two queries.

SELECT Max(tblPurchases.[Purchase Date]) AS [Purchase
Date], tblPurchases.[Item Purchased], tblPurchases.Vendor
FROM tblPurchases
GROUP BY tblPurchases.[Item Purchased],

SELECT tblPurchases.[Purchase Date], tblPurchases.[Item
Purchased], tblPurchases.Vendor, tblPurchases.Price
FROM tblPurchases INNER JOIN qry_Purchases_01 ON
(tblPurchases.Vendor = qry_Purchases_01.Vendor) AND
(tblPurchases.[Item Purchased] = qry_Purchases_01.[Item
Purchased]) AND (tblPurchases.[Purchase Date] =
qry_Purchases_01.[Purchase Date]);

This might just be a formatting issue, but make sure your
Purchase Date field is a Date/Time field and not text.


-----Original Message-----

I'm trying to do the following
I have a table with "purchase date", "item
purchased", "vendor" and "price"

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