Thanks Andrew and Jonathan, It's good to get the concise informaiton like
One suggestion to MS for Project Server documentation is to provide
reference table/page of all fields visible in PWA with their appropriate
reporting DB field, or something like that. Unless there already is a
documentation on this which I dont know of?
.. I think its been recognised
by gartner and ofrester that one pain of most of EPM solutions is reporting
(inbuilt or alike) so providing this kind of info would ease things a bit
there (for those who are willig to learn how to that is..).
Jonathan Sofer said:
The field [dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView.ProjectModifiedDate] is the field you
can use to reflect the last published date. The reason is that this field
does not get updated unless the reporting database gets updated which only
happens on a project publish.
Jonathan Sofer
Vaso Vukovic said:
Where in the ReportingDB is the Project 'Last Published' date saved??
If not in that DB:
a) how would you get it there (custom field?)
b) where in the PublishedDB is it?