Last Record Numbering

  • Thread starter JP via
  • Start date

JP via

I need to find a way to display in a form text box the highest numerical
value entered in any one of four fields for the last record entered.

For example: If
Field_1 is 0001
Field_2 is 0008
Field_3 is 0005
Field_4 is 0004

When the form is opened, the textbox would display the number 0008. The
textbox should display the highest of the four fields of the last record.

Jeff Boyce

Already responded to in another newsgroup.

It is rarely necessary to post and re-post the same question in multiple
newsgroups. If you are absolutely certain you need to post to more than one
group, add the appropriate groups in ONE post's "To:"/"Newsgroups'" field,
and post once.

That way, you don't have to look through multiple groups to find an answer,
as an answer in one shows up in the other. And the folks who volunteer
their time here don't end up duplicating each other's efforts.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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