LAST TIME, Adding in multiple numbers



Ok i changed the decimal to 2 places over. so now my answer is 1.55.
I think my problem might be that i am subtracting one date from another and
getting a number value, and then trying to add that value together. So my Q
is should how do i change the value.
EX: B1=12/11/08

Why is that? how do i change the date to a whole value?

Mike H


If you'd stop jumping about creating new threads then we would get to the
bottom of your question and provide an answer. This again is a formatting
issue. What you really have in B1 & b2 are dates and times formatted to
display only the date part and when you do your subtraction and format as
number or general you are seeing the decimal part of the difference between
the 2 dates/times.

To ignore the time or decimal part use




Sorry about the jumping, not sure how the reply worked, did not know if you
got it directly...So in B3 i put the formula=int(b1-b2)?-because in the cell
B3 i have this formula =if(B2="","",b2-b2) So how would i continue, with the
formula you suggested?

Mike H

Maybe this



ohnesorge said:
Sorry about the jumping, not sure how the reply worked, did not know if you
got it directly...So in B3 i put the formula=int(b1-b2)?-because in the cell
B3 i have this formula =if(B2="","",b2-b2) So how would i continue, with the
formula you suggested?


Mike ur Awesome TYVM, If you want to hit me up with ur email i would
appreciate it, Teasing but serious,lol
Thanks again


K so i spoke to soon the final answer was correct so it through me off. can
i send you my line bar and you take a look at it? its driving me nuts, that
way i can tell you everything i need PLEASE. my boss is putting the heat on

Mike H

If you really can't explain the problem then someone here will help if you
upload your workbook to the site below and post the link.

Be aware that a lot of posters won't download workbooks posted in this way,
i would but unfortunately it's pub quiz night and I'm going out in 15 minutes.

Thanks for the feedback


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