Late Binding in Access Application from Word


Paul Reavis

I have an application that I have developed using Word
getting information from a db in Access 2003.

We have 3 versions of Access and Word running in our
organization so I needed to use late binding.

The code populates a drop-down box in Word and for the
2003 version has the Reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6
library and reads like this:

Set db = OpenDatabase(Name:=fGetDBLocation())
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("")
qdf.SQL = strSQL
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset()
If rs.EOF Then
Do Until rs.EOF
For i = 1 To rs.Fields.Count
strComboName.Item(3).AddItem Text:= _
rs!entry, Index:=i
strComboName.Item(3).ListIndex = 1
End If

I have at least 2 problems. I have tried CreateObject
construct but then I do not know how to bind the created
instance to the particular database. The other problem is
the GetObject insists on Opening the application and if I
add the construct obj.visible = false then the object
opens in a visible fashion THEN becomes not visible. Also
I am unsure about the Object Model for this process so if
you might point me to something that would help me find
out what I need to construct I would appreciate it.

Thanks so much for your time in reading this any any
insight you might offer.

Paul Reavis
(e-mail address removed)

Howard Kaikow

If you develop on the system with the lowest version of Word and Access, you
can use the preferred early binding.
You still need to test on all 3 systems.

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