Happy to have helped and glad it is working for you again.
One thing you might keep in mind... if you extensively customize your
toolbars (I have added an Address toolbar with frequently used preaddressed
new messages on it) then you might want to get your toolbars set the way you
want, then close Outlook and copy the outcmd.dat file to another location
(my documents works fine) in case the file corrupts again. Then, if that
happens, just copy the saved file over the corrupt one and you are back up
and running quickly.
Just a quick tip for this type of situation... I have found that if it
corrupts once, it will probably corrupt again.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
Having searched the archives and finding no answer, Johnny
[email protected]> asked:
| Milly - it worked! Many thanks for your quick response!
| Best regards, Mark
|| -----Original Message-----
|| With Outlook closed, find and rename outcmd.dat to outcmd.old and
|| then reopen Outlook.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| Having searched the archives,
|| johnny <
[email protected]> typed:
||| I just updated Outlook XP via Office Update. Now when I
||| start Outlook it hangs on startup. I have to terminate
||| it, and when re-starting, it will only start in Safe
||| Mode. The version in About... is 10.4712.4219 SP2.
||| Any ideas? How do I remove the update? It worked fine
||| before!
||| Thanks
||| Mark
|| .