Latest Result


Graham H

I hav a large array of data taking the format similar to below

Date Field Result
01/02/2008 Field 1 56
03/06/2007 Field 4 34
04/08/2008 Field 3 45
06/09/2008 Field 4 78
08/04/2007 Field 5 27
09/12/2006 Field 2 59

The dates are ongoing and a field may have a result covering one or more years and dates.
What I want to do is to enter Field 4 for example and get the latest result (78) for that.
This should also work if there is only one result for a field, and over the years there
may be three or four results for one field but I just want the latest. I thought MAX would
get the latest date but I cannot tie it together with the field name. Sorry dates are UK
format. I would value any guidance.

Don Guillett

One way with an array formula that must be entered using ctrl+shift+enter
=INDEX(K:K,MATCH(MAX(IF($J$2:$J$22="field 4",$F$2:$I$22)),K:K))


Try this *array* formula, with criteria (field 4) entered in D1:


Array formulas must be entered with CSE, <Ctrl> <Shift > <Enter>, instead of
the regular <Enter>, which will *automatically* enclose the formula in curly
brackets, which *cannot* be done manually.
You *must also* use CSE when revising the formula.

Graham H

Many thanks Don. I would never have worked that one out myself. Your help is much appreciated.


T. Valko

If your dates are in ascending order then all you need to do if find the
last instance of the field and it will correspond to the latest date:

Dates in column A
Field in column B
Result in column C

E1 = Field 4


Graham H

Many thanks for that approach which brings a different perspective on how to handle the
problem. Your help is much appreciated.


T. Valko

You're welcome!

Microsoft Excel MVP

Graham H said:
Many thanks for that approach which brings a different perspective on how
to handle the problem. Your help is much appreciated.


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