Latest Update 12.2.3 crashes WORD



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel I had no problems with WORD (Mac 2008) until my recent update (12.2.3).... twice in as many days it has crashed on me - once without retrieving my work!

What's up with that?!?

Any solutions? Can I go back to the old update version I had?



Well, 12.2.3 may be *your* most recent update, but it isn't the most recent
for Office 2008 :) I'd suggest that you also apply the 12.2.4 update as
well as whatever is most current for Leopard -- that would be 10.5.8 I

Repair Disk Permisions afterward & restart your Mac. If the problem
continues post back with specific details, such as;

Conditions when it seems most likely to occur,
One or all documents including new ones,
Any other recent installations or changes made,
Anything else that you can observe even if it doesn't seem relevant.

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