Launch A VPN from an Application



This is not relevant to Access but to, but the method behind the
action should be comparable in any coding language (and yes I have been to
the .net forums with this question).

I have an application that is a modified Remote Desktop, where the user is
allowed to remote into computers based on the software they require being
installed on a networked computer.

This application requires the local machine to do the following;
1.Check to see if a VPN is installed
2.If not launch a web browser to the IT site where they can download the VPN
3.Then if the VPN is installed, check to see if it running
4.If not then launch the Login Form for the VPN

I have 1, 2 and 3 working, however number 4 is trickier. In .net I can use a
couple of different methods to launch an application, such as
2.I can do a Send Keys function to the connect button on the Login Form
3.I can launch rasphone.exe which is the Network Connects form built into
Windows and then launch the VPN from there

The problem is the path to the VPN, to launch the VPN there is only a
shortcut placed on the desktop. I can find no way to target the shortcut. I
have been told that shortcuts actually have a .lnk extension and I need to
target this but have been able to locate even that.

This is just a standard Windows VPN application. So if anyone has any idea
how to launch the Login Form I would be grateful.

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