I'd be grateful if someone could help, if only to direct me elsewhere for a
I'm using the following code to launch & run a Word 2003 template from a
button on a form in Access 2003. It works well enough, but under Windows 7
RTM the Word Doc opens in a Window **behind** the Access windows with the
This has never been a problem before, because new opening Windows apps have
always grabbed the screen focus (annoyingly so on occassions). Now for the
first time, it seems, Windows 7 RTM forces the new opening application into
the background. How would I work-round this new behaviour and force the Word
2003 to popup "on top".
Private Sub Print_Guarantor_Click()
On Error GoTo Print_Guarantor_ClickErr
Dim appWord As Word.Application, docWord As Word.Document
Set appWord = New Word.Application
Set docWord = appWord.Documents.Add("Z:\Templates\Guarantor.dot")
appWord.Visible = True
Set appWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
FormattedMsgBox Err.Description
Resume Print_Guarantor_Click
End Sub
I'm using the following code to launch & run a Word 2003 template from a
button on a form in Access 2003. It works well enough, but under Windows 7
RTM the Word Doc opens in a Window **behind** the Access windows with the
This has never been a problem before, because new opening Windows apps have
always grabbed the screen focus (annoyingly so on occassions). Now for the
first time, it seems, Windows 7 RTM forces the new opening application into
the background. How would I work-round this new behaviour and force the Word
2003 to popup "on top".
Private Sub Print_Guarantor_Click()
On Error GoTo Print_Guarantor_ClickErr
Dim appWord As Word.Application, docWord As Word.Document
Set appWord = New Word.Application
Set docWord = appWord.Documents.Add("Z:\Templates\Guarantor.dot")
appWord.Visible = True
Set appWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
FormattedMsgBox Err.Description
Resume Print_Guarantor_Click
End Sub