Launch word document from infopath 2003 form and save within form



There has been a previous post about drag and drop and the lack of this
capability in Infopath. We have Infopath 2003 deployed and will not have
Office 2007 out for another year. One way I found to give a partial drag and
drop (in particular to get
Outlook messages (including attachments) into Infopath without having the
users save them as .msg files on their hard drive) is to use the file attach
control and make the default file a microsoft word document. When you open
the default file in the Infopath form, it launches Microsoft Word (which all
of our users have installed) so you can now drag and drop anything into the
word document that word supports (which includes Outlook messages). The
issue is InfoPath opens this file as "read-only" in Word so you can't save it
and have it stored in the form and I don't want the users to have to save
anything to their local drives and then have to attach it again (this would
defeat the whole purpose of the drag and drop that they want).

Any suggestions on how to work around this and make it so once the users
drag their attachments or messages into word the file can be saved and stored
in Infopath without the users having to interact with their local storage?


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