Law Tracks Example db



In the Law Tracks example db > in the frmSplash form > the on timer event has
a feature called ReConnect that goes through a series of functions checking
to see if the backend is available. I've tried to incorporate this into my
db. However, I've never been able to get it working correctly. I was
wondering if anyone out there has any experience with these features and if
so, can offer some good advice.

As always - much appreciated.



I don't remember where I found it. I'm completely self-taught and I relied
heavily on the example databases I found online by doing random searches. One
of the more comprehensive examples out there would be the Law Tracks db. I’m
sure if you did a search using “Law Tracks†you would find it.

The function I’m having trouble with checks the backend during the on load
event of my Splash form. It tries to link up with a table in the backend. If
it cannot connect, then it asks the user to navigate to the backend, select
it, and then it tries to reconnect. This has never worked for me the way I’m
sure it was intended to work.

Rather than trying to get the Law Tracks Reconnect/AttachAgain examples to
work, maybe someone has another way to check for the ability to connect to
the backend during the login process and if the backend is not available
display an error?

I’m trying to prevent the application from crashing if the network is
unavailable and the user cannot gain access to the backend.

Any help would be appreciated.


Larry Daugherty

"This has never worked for me the way I'm sure it was intended to
work." doesn't communicate any specific symptoms. What does it do?
Exactly what error message(s) received? What have you already done to
debug it? Has that application ever worked for you on its current
system? If so, what changed before the symptoms appeared?

While I've never seen that particular application either, your
description of the over all process sounds like something I recognize
from way back when.


Jeff Conrad [MSFT]

Hi Jason,

The LawTrack Contacts database is one of the main sample databases found in John Viescas' Access
2003 Inside Out book.

To assist you further, I think we're going to need some more information. Specifically,
1. What version of Access are you using?
2. Does the database work as is with the reconnecting code?
3. What errors are you getting when you try and incorporate this into your own application?

Jeff Conrad - Access Junkie - MVP Alumnus
SDET II - Access Test Team - Microsoft Corporation

Co-author - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
Presenter - Microsoft Access 2007 Essentials
Access 2007 Info:

John Viescas

Thanks for jumping in there, Jeff.

Jason - can you answer Jeff's questions?

John Viescas, author
Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
Building Microsoft Access Applications
Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out
SQL Queries for Mere Mortals
(Paris, France)

Hans Up

JK said:
The function I’m having trouble with checks the backend during the on load
event of my Splash form. It tries to link up with a table in the backend. If
it cannot connect, then it asks the user to navigate to the backend, select
it, and then it tries to reconnect. This has never worked for me the way I’m
sure it was intended to work.

Rather than trying to get the Law Tracks Reconnect/AttachAgain examples to
work, maybe someone has another way to check for the ability to connect to
the backend during the login process and if the backend is not available
display an error?

I’m trying to prevent the application from crashing if the network is
unavailable and the user cannot gain access to the backend.

Please clarify what you hope to accomplish. What database will the user
reconnect to when the network is unavailable?

Armen Stein

Rather than trying to get the Law Tracks Reconnect/AttachAgain examples to
work, maybe someone has another way to check for the ability to connect to
the backend during the login process and if the backend is not available
display an error?

I'm sure John Viescas's code will work when you figure out what's
going on. But if you want an alternative for automatic Access table
relinking, you're welcome to incorporate our free J Street Access
Relinker at:

It handles multiple Access back-end databases, ignores ODBC linked
tables, and can automatically and silently relink to back-end
databases in the same folder as the application (handy for work
databases or single-user scenarios). There's a ReadMe table with

Armen Stein
Microsoft Access MVP

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