MrsMac2000 said:
I've inherited our internal website and another developer has created a
with layers, (apologies for not being very technical, my experience with
HTML is limited)
1) I've worked out roughly how to do layers and I can use them when you
hover over text and it is hyperlinking to the layer but the layer
when you use the scrollbar to move down the page. How can I get the layer
stay on the page but allow me to read all of it? so it looks like a new
page rather than a layer
Why not replace the layer with an HTML page. (Perhaps this is what you are
For the layer to appear when you hover, there would have to be an
If you change this to be code which opens a new page, the new page will
still be open when you scroll. Its title should appear in your toolbar and
clicking here will redisplay it. It can be closed by the close box (X at top
r.h.) See my reply to "Thumbnail opening to image in popup screen". This is
dated 16/01/200812:00 PM in my newsreader. It may be a bit different in
yours (especially if you use US date)
To use this code you also need the script for spawnJimcoPopup. This can be
added anywhere before </head>
<script type="text/javascript">
function spawnJimcoPopup(url, name, options, h, w, x, y, scaleType)
var newWindow
if (scaleType == 'percent')
{ h = (h * screen.availHeight) / 100
w = (w * screen.availWidth) / 100 }
if (x == 'center')
x = (screen.availWidth - w) / 2
if (y == 'center')
y = (screen.availHeight - h) / 2
options += ',width=' + w + ',height=' + h
+ ',left=' + x + ',top=' + y
newWindow =, name, options)
The onmouseover within an <a> tag would look something like
<a href='' target="_self"
( 'text1.html', '_blank',
, 300, 375, 'center', '0', 'pixel') ;return false;">
<img border="0" src="image1.jpg" >
where the line "<img......" can be an image or text or whatever you want
and where text1.html contains your text to be displayed omouseover
The size and position of the window depend on parameters h (height) w
(width) x (horizontal position) y (vertical position)