Layered Menu on DWT


Jeffrey Davidson

I created a layered menu to place in a left side cell. The menu works fine,
but if the browser window is resized the menu moves over to the center cell
instead of staying in place. I have not had problems with other items but
how do I fix the layer to stay in a fixed place on the page regardless of
the viewing size.


MD Websunlimited

Hi Jeffery,

Was the menu created as a absolutely positioned layer? If not, it will be relative to then content.and move with it.

Normal course would be to create a table for the always visible menu items then have the links within the table menu make the layer
menu visible as required. However if the main menu can move you must then use code to position the layer relative to the menu

Jeffrey Davidson

Could you explain. Are you referring to layer properties...position? Thanks
for the help.

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