Hi little_creature,
Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".
On Apr 30, 11:21 am, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
w 2002
Hi little_creature,
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.
Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.
Best. Rafael
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front
On Apr 22, 6:28 am, little_creature <
[email protected]>
Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to menu
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which are
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.
Another thing to try I found on macosxhints.com
10.4:Cascadeall windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's new
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after opening
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get a
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit
OS 10.4.9
How do I layer (stack) windows with only the title bars showing. I
recall doing this, but I've forgotten, and Word help doesn't
understand my request. I think the windows stacked from upper
corner of the screen toward the lower right. If there were
windows, each title bar was visible.