Layering (stacking?) windows with only title bars showing.


Rafael Montserrat

OS 10.4.9

How do I layer (stack) windows with only the title bars showing. I
recall doing this, but I've forgotten, and Word help doesn't
understand my request. I think the windows stacked from upper left
corner of the screen toward the lower right. If there were multiple
windows, each title bar was visible.




Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to menu
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which are
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.

Another thing to try I found on
10.4: Cascade all windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's new
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find "Bring
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after opening
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get a
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit


Just to footnote what l_c posted -

You're looking for a PC window-arrangement feature called Cascade alright,
but there isn't an absolute universal equivalent in OS X. The Option key
technique only works in Finder & the applications that choose to support it
- TextEdit, for example. However, it isn't directly supported in Office -
IOW, pressing Option while the Window menu is open in Office apps will *not*
produce the Arrange In Front choice.

My *guess* as to why - no offense - but even on the PC very seldom does
anyone find a useful purpose that can't be met as well or better by
alternative means. The open files are listed right there - by name - in the
Window menu and are sequentially numbered. Bringing one to the fore doesn't
resize or effect the position of any of the others as Cascading does. There
is also a little-known WindowList command that can be added to a toolbar.

If you really feel you need it, perhaps someone can offer a way to cascade
windows programmatically in apps that don't offer direct support for it.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

JE McGimpsey

CyberTaz said:
If you really feel you need it, perhaps someone can offer a way to cascade
windows programmatically in apps that don't offer direct support for it.

One way in Word:

Public Sub JEMCascadeWindows()
'JE McGimpsey, 22 Apr 2007

Const csTooManyWindows As String = _
"Too Many Windows. Close one or more and try again."
Const csSubTitle As String = "JEM Cascade Windows"
Const cnTopMargin As Long = 0
Const cnBottomMargin As Long = 25
Const cnLeftMargin As Long = 0
Const cnRightMargin As Long = 50
Const cnVerticalIncrement As Long = 22
Const cnHorizontalIncrement As Long = 25
Const cnMinimumWidth As Long = 400
Const cnMinimumHeight As Long = 300
Const bMaximizeHeight As Boolean = True
Const bMaximizeWidth As Boolean = False

Dim wn As Window
Dim nCount As Long
Dim nTop As Long
Dim nLeft As Long
Dim nHeight As Long
Dim nWidth As Long

With Application
For Each wn In .Windows
nCount = nCount - _
(wn.WindowState <> wdWindowStateMinimize)
Next wn
nWidth = .UsableWidth - cnRightMargin - _
IIf(bMaximizeWidth, 0, cnHorizontalIncrement * nCount)
nHeight = .UsableHeight - cnBottomMargin - _
IIf(bMaximizeHeight, 0, cnVerticalIncrement * nCount)
If (nWidth < cnMinimumWidth) Or (nHeight < cnMinimumHeight) Then
MsgBox Prompt:=csTooManyWindows, _
Title:=csSubTitle, _
nTop = cnTopMargin
nLeft = cnLeftMargin
For Each wn In .Windows
With wn
If .WindowState <> wdWindowStateMinimize Then
.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
.Top = nTop
.Left = nLeft
.Width = nWidth
.Height = nHeight
End If
End With
nTop = nTop + cnVerticalIncrement
nLeft = nLeft + cnHorizontalIncrement
If bMaximizeWidth Then _
nWidth = nWidth - cnHorizontalIncrement
If bMaximizeHeight Then _
nHeight = nHeight - cnVerticalIncrement
Next wn
End If
End With
End Sub

Note that this has minimal error handling, but it should be pretty
stable for a moderate number of windows.

Rafael Montserrat

One way in Word:

Public Sub JEMCascadeWindows()
'JE McGimpsey, 22 Apr 2007

Const csTooManyWindows As String = _
"Too Many Windows. Close one or more and try again."
Const csSubTitle As String = "JEM Cascade Windows"
Const cnTopMargin As Long = 0
Const cnBottomMargin As Long = 25
Const cnLeftMargin As Long = 0
Const cnRightMargin As Long = 50
Const cnVerticalIncrement As Long = 22
Const cnHorizontalIncrement As Long = 25
Const cnMinimumWidth As Long = 400
Const cnMinimumHeight As Long = 300
Const bMaximizeHeight As Boolean = True
Const bMaximizeWidth As Boolean = False

Dim wn As Window
Dim nCount As Long
Dim nTop As Long
Dim nLeft As Long
Dim nHeight As Long
Dim nWidth As Long

With Application
For Each wn In .Windows
nCount = nCount - _
(wn.WindowState <> wdWindowStateMinimize)
Next wn
nWidth = .UsableWidth - cnRightMargin - _
IIf(bMaximizeWidth, 0, cnHorizontalIncrement * nCount)
nHeight = .UsableHeight - cnBottomMargin - _
IIf(bMaximizeHeight, 0, cnVerticalIncrement * nCount)
If (nWidth < cnMinimumWidth) Or (nHeight < cnMinimumHeight) Then
MsgBox Prompt:=csTooManyWindows, _
Title:=csSubTitle, _
nTop = cnTopMargin
nLeft = cnLeftMargin
For Each wn In .Windows
With wn
If .WindowState <> wdWindowStateMinimize Then
.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
.Top = nTop
.Left = nLeft
.Width = nWidth
.Height = nHeight
End If
End With
nTop = nTop + cnVerticalIncrement
nLeft = nLeft + cnHorizontalIncrement
If bMaximizeWidth Then _
nWidth = nWidth - cnHorizontalIncrement
If bMaximizeHeight Then _
nHeight = nHeight - cnVerticalIncrement
Next wn
End If
End With
End Sub

Note that this has minimal error handling, but it should be pretty
stable for a moderate number of windows.

JE McGimpsey

Good input. I'll try these suggestions. I swear I had an easy
cascading method in a past version of word, or somewhere. Maybe it
was poker.



JE McGimpsey

Good input. I'll try these suggestions. I swear I had an easy
cascading method in a past version of word, or somewhere. Maybe it
was poker.



Thanks. The macro you posted works.

Only one thing. As I've been using it for a couple of hours, it is
cascading the windows, but progressively, there are gaps, or really
one gap, between a cascade of windows. I say progressively because
the gap is getting larger as I'm going along in word and using the
macro. At first there was a gap the size of two windows, and now the
gap is @ 5 windows, about 2.5 inches.

It's done this from the start.

I just went back to the documents and I see that it happens when I've
kept a file open, but I have pressed the gold button with the minus
sign in the upper left corner to get it off the screen but keep it
open down below. Then I quit all those files, and the cascading
didn't have any gaps in it with all my open documents, and none held

So I see what's happening. It's great to have the cascading, but it's
awkard to have the open documents cascade with great gaps.

Got any more great ideas.





Thanks. The macro you posted works.

Only one thing. As I've been using it for a couple of hours, it is
cascading the windows, but progressively, there are gaps, or really
one gap, between acascadeof windows. I say progressively because
the gap is getting larger as I'm going along in word and using the
macro. At first there was a gap the size of two windows, and now the
gap is @ 5 windows, about 2.5 inches.

It's done this from the start.

I just went back to the documents and I see that it happens when I've
kept a file open, but I have pressed the gold button with the minus
sign in the upper left corner to get it off the screen but keep it
open down below. Then I quit all those files, and the cascading
didn't have any gaps in it with all my open documents, and none held

So I see what's happening. It's great to have the cascading, but it's
awkard to have the open documentscascadewith great gaps.

Got any more great ideas.




What I mean is, I like the feature of having windows open and being
able to semi-store them at the bottom of the window, and it would be
nice to be able to cascade, without gaps, just the open windows that
I'm working on, while others, that I want to keep easy track of, are
right at hand.

I seem to be at a loss for terminology today.




Sorry, Rafael, but the macro came from John McGimpsey... I try to avoid the
use of vulgar language:)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


JE McGimpsey


Thanks. The macro you posted works.

I adapted the macro from one a bit more customized, and in doing so, got
a piece out of order. Try this instead:

Public Sub JEMCascadeWindows()
'JE McGimpsey, 27 Apr 2007

Const csTooManyWindows As String = _
"Too Many Windows. Close one or more and try again."
Const csSubTitle As String = "JEM Cascade Windows"
Const cnTopMargin As Long = 0
Const cnBottomMargin As Long = 25
Const cnLeftMargin As Long = 0
Const cnRightMargin As Long = 50
Const cnVerticalIncrement As Long = 22
Const cnHorizontalIncrement As Long = 25
Const cnMinimumWidth As Long = 400
Const cnMinimumHeight As Long = 300
Const bMaximizeHeight As Boolean = True
Const bMaximizeWidth As Boolean = False

Dim wn As Window
Dim nCount As Long
Dim nTop As Long
Dim nLeft As Long
Dim nHeight As Long
Dim nWidth As Long

With Application
For Each wn In .Windows
nCount = nCount - _
(wn.WindowState <> wdWindowStateMinimize)
Next wn
nWidth = .UsableWidth - cnRightMargin - _
IIf(bMaximizeWidth, 0, cnHorizontalIncrement * nCount)
nHeight = .UsableHeight - cnBottomMargin - _
IIf(bMaximizeHeight, 0, cnVerticalIncrement * nCount)
If (nWidth < cnMinimumWidth) Or (nHeight < cnMinimumHeight) Then
MsgBox Prompt:=csTooManyWindows, _
Title:=csSubTitle, _
nTop = cnTopMargin
nLeft = cnLeftMargin
For Each wn In .Windows
With wn
If .WindowState <> wdWindowStateMinimize Then
.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
.Top = nTop
.Left = nLeft
.Width = nWidth
.Height = nHeight
nTop = nTop + cnVerticalIncrement
nLeft = nLeft + cnHorizontalIncrement
If bMaximizeWidth Then _
nWidth = nWidth - cnHorizontalIncrement
If bMaximizeHeight Then _
nHeight = nHeight - cnVerticalIncrement
End If
End With
Next wn
End If
End With
End Sub

JE McGimpsey

CyberTaz said:
Sorry, Rafael, but the macro came from John McGimpsey... I try to avoid the
use of vulgar language:)

I agree that VBA is pretty vulgar.

A long, long time ago in another career, I used to develop using APL.
Now THAT could be elegant! And completely incomprehensible - APL's a
"write-only language". Just trying to remember how to generate all those
non-standard characters, much less what they did, was a job in itself.

But you could do ANYTHING with a single line of code! (though it usually
took me three or more - I liked to be verbose)


w 2002

Hi little_creature,

I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactly cascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.

Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.

Best. Rafael

I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front


Hi little_creature,

Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".


w 2002

Hi little_creature,

I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.

Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.

Best. Rafael

I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front

Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to menu
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which are
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.
Another thing to try I found on
10.4:Cascadeall windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's new
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find "Bring
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after opening
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get a
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit

Rafael Montserrat


I don't know if what has happened is related to my current work on
Word on this ng. A my personal settings are gone. Everything. I'm
having to reenlist in macmail, which means all my mail and settings
are gone. Had to redownload firefox. All my history and bookmarks
are gone. Anyway. I'm sure you get the picture. What's happened is
that MacMail froze, was frozen the whole time during my Word NG
participation this morning, and nothing would get it to close, the
beachball wouldn't go away. I tried to restart and that didn't work.
I tried to shut down and at first that didn't work until various
system wondows came up
(I don't remember what they were). None of the keycodes for dealing
with this kind of stuff worked Finally the computer shut down. I
opened it an hour later and all my material and settings are gone.
Macros, I imagine. My custom toolbars.

I'm devastated.

Any clues? Does my stuff exist anywhere? Shutting down the computer
isn't supposed to do this, is it? Maybe there's no connection with
the stuff I 've been doing with Word in the newsgroup hasn't got to
anything to do with this problem.

Thanks, Rafael

Hi little_creature,

Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".


w 2002
Hi little_creature,
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.
Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.
Best. Rafael
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front
On Apr 22, 6:28 am, little_creature <[email protected]>

Rafael Montserrat


I don't know if what has happened is related to my current work on
Word on this ng. A my personal settings are gone. Everything. I'm
having to reenlist in macmail, which means all my mail and settings
are gone. Had to redownload firefox. All my history and bookmarks
are gone. Anyway. I'm sure you get the picture. What's happened is
that MacMail froze, was frozen the whole time during my Word NG
participation this morning, and nothing would get it to close, the
beachball wouldn't go away. I tried to restart and that didn't work.
I tried to shut down and at first that didn't work until various
system wondows came up
(I don't remember what they were). None of the keycodes for dealing
with this kind of stuff worked Finally the computer shut down. I
opened it an hour later and all my material and settings are gone.
Macros, I imagine. My custom toolbars.

I'm devastated.

Any clues? Does my stuff exist anywhere? Shutting down the computer
isn't supposed to do this, is it? Maybe there's no connection with
the stuff I 've been doing with Word in the newsgroup hasn't got to
anything to do with this problem.

Thanks, Rafael

Hi little_creature,
Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".

On Apr 30, 11:21 am, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
w 2002
Hi little_creature,
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.
Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.
Best. Rafael
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front
On Apr 22, 6:28 am, little_creature <[email protected]>
Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to menu
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which are
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.
Another thing to try I found on
10.4:Cascadeall windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's new
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find "Bring
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after opening
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get a
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit
OS 10.4.9
How do I layer (stack) windows with only the title bars showing. I
recall doing this, but I've forgotten, and Word help doesn't
understand my request. I think the windows stacked from upper left
corner of the screen toward the lower right. If there were multiple
windows, each title bar was visible.

Well. I've got most docs on external HD and maybe I can get settings
there too. Sorry 'bout the monologue.


John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]

Hi Rafael:

Are you sure you are logged in to the correct user account?

If you have logged in with a different user ID, nothing from your previous
life will be visible.

But yes, it's still there on your hard disk, in the "other" folder of the
"Users" directory.



Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Rafael Montserrat said:

I don't know if what has happened is related to my current work on
Word on this ng. A my personal settings are gone. Everything. I'm
having to reenlist in macmail, which means all my mail and settings
are gone. Had to redownload firefox. All my history and bookmarks
are gone. Anyway. I'm sure you get the picture. What's happened is
that MacMail froze, was frozen the whole time during my Word NG
participation this morning, and nothing would get it to close, the
beachball wouldn't go away. I tried to restart and that didn't work.
I tried to shut down and at first that didn't work until various
system wondows came up
(I don't remember what they were). None of the keycodes for dealing
with this kind of stuff worked Finally the computer shut down. I
opened it an hour later and all my material and settings are gone.
Macros, I imagine. My custom toolbars.

I'm devastated.

Any clues? Does my stuff exist anywhere? Shutting down the computer
isn't supposed to do this, is it? Maybe there's no connection with
the stuff I 've been doing with Word in the newsgroup hasn't got to
anything to do with this problem.

Thanks, Rafael

Hi little_creature,

Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".


w 2002
Hi little_creature,
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.
Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.
Best. Rafael
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front
On Apr 22, 6:28 am, little_creature <[email protected]>
Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to menu
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which are
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.
Another thing to try I found on
10.4:Cascadeall windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's new
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after opening
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get a
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit
On Apr 22, 12:16 am, Rafael Montserrat <[email protected]> wrote:
OS 10.4.9
How do I layer (stack) windows with only the title bars showing. I
recall doing this, but I've forgotten, and Word help doesn't
understand my request. I think the windows stacked from upper
corner of the screen toward the lower right. If there were
windows, each title bar was visible.


Rafael Montserrat

Hi John,

I'm not familiar with 'user id'. I don't recall having to log into
one account or another. one 'correct' account or another. I lookied
around various help sites and couldn't get any clarification. Only,
for now, is my Apple mail program askiing me for user name and user
id. They want a .mac user id, and I am not a .mac member, but I have
been using mac mail for some time. Maybe this is a message to go back
to Entourage.

What is correct user accoount?

Best, Rafael

Hi Rafael:

Are you sure you are logged in to the correct user account?

If you have logged in with a different user ID, nothing from your previous
life will be visible.

But yes, it's still there on your hard disk, in the "other" folder of the
"Users" directory.



Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

I don't know if what has happened is related to my current work on
Word on this ng. A my personal settings are gone. Everything. I'm
having to reenlist in macmail, which means all my mail and settings
are gone. Had to redownload firefox. All my history and bookmarks
are gone. Anyway. I'm sure you get the picture. What's happened is
that MacMail froze, was frozen the whole time during my Word NG
participation this morning, and nothing would get it to close, the
beachball wouldn't go away. I tried to restart and that didn't work.
I tried to shut down and at first that didn't work until various
system wondows came up
(I don't remember what they were). None of the keycodes for dealing
with this kind of stuff worked Finally the computer shut down. I
opened it an hour later and all my material and settings are gone.
Macros, I imagine. My custom toolbars.
I'm devastated.
Any clues? Does my stuff exist anywhere? Shutting down the computer
isn't supposed to do this, is it? Maybe there's no connection with
the stuff I 've been doing with Word in the newsgroup hasn't got to
anything to do with this problem.
Thanks, Rafael
Hi little_creature,
Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".
On Apr 30, 11:21 am, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
w 2002
Hi little_creature,
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.
Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.
Best. Rafael
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front
On Apr 22, 6:28 am, little_creature <[email protected]>
Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to menu
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which are
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.
Another thing to try I found on
10.4:Cascadeall windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's new
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after opening
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get a
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit
OS 10.4.9
How do I layer (stack) windows with only the title bars showing. I
recall doing this, but I've forgotten, and Word help doesn't
understand my request. I think the windows stacked from upper
corner of the screen toward the lower right. If there were
windows, each title bar was visible.

Rafael Montserrat

Hi John,

My plan was to find some other google mac group to ask how to take all
the settings of all the programs that crashed, and either bring them
back (from the external HD, of April 18, with all their settings and
customizations (and Foxfire bookmars), or somehow add the material to
the new browser and other programs I have had to create anew. Perhaps
you can tell me here though it doesn't seem to be a word topic. The
only thing that happened in Word is the loss of some of my customized
toolbars (but not all of them). Fortunutely all my documents seem to
be intact. Address book is wiped clean and mail history is also
gone. The only lesson once again: back up regularly. Still, this
restore process would have to be done regardless of you recently I
were to Back Up.

Thanks, Rafael Montserrat

Hi Rafael:

Are you sure you are logged in to the correct user account?

If you have logged in with a different user ID, nothing from your previous
life will be visible.

But yes, it's still there on your hard disk, in the "other" folder of the
"Users" directory.



Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

I don't know if what has happened is related to my current work on
Word on this ng. A my personal settings are gone. Everything. I'm
having to reenlist in macmail, which means all my mail and settings
are gone. Had to redownload firefox. All my history and bookmarks
are gone. Anyway. I'm sure you get the picture. What's happened is
that MacMail froze, was frozen the whole time during my Word NG
participation this morning, and nothing would get it to close, the
beachball wouldn't go away. I tried to restart and that didn't work.
I tried to shut down and at first that didn't work until various
system wondows came up
(I don't remember what they were). None of the keycodes for dealing
with this kind of stuff worked Finally the computer shut down. I
opened it an hour later and all my material and settings are gone.
Macros, I imagine. My custom toolbars.
I'm devastated.
Any clues? Does my stuff exist anywhere? Shutting down the computer
isn't supposed to do this, is it? Maybe there's no connection with
the stuff I 've been doing with Word in the newsgroup hasn't got to
anything to do with this problem.
Thanks, Rafael
Hi little_creature,
Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".
On Apr 30, 11:21 am, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
w 2002
Hi little_creature,
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or Bring
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it made
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open. Then
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened it
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I don't
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but I've
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front", and
I've never looked them up.
Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.
Best. Rafael
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played around
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or Bring
All To Front
On Apr 22, 6:28 am, little_creature <[email protected]>
Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to menu
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which are
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.
Another thing to try I found on
10.4:Cascadeall windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's new
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after opening
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get a
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit
OS 10.4.9
How do I layer (stack) windows with only the title bars showing. I
recall doing this, but I've forgotten, and Word help doesn't
understand my request. I think the windows stacked from upper
corner of the screen toward the lower right. If there were
windows, each title bar was visible.

John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]

Hi Rafael:

Your symptoms are consistent with the wrong user being logged in.

Yes, you do have to log in to your Mac with a user name and password. If
you are not aware of doing this, it may be because you had only one user
account on the machine and its password was blank, or you may have set a Mac
OS X preference to always log that user account in when the system starts,
without asking for the password.

Either way, on your machine's hard disk are a series of folders in a
hierarchial structure. The one of interest here is the "User" folder.
Within that, there's a folder for each user on the machine. These folders
contain *everything* that you are aware of on the machine: all your
documents, all your settings, all your accounts and passwords. When a user
logs in, that user needs to tell the system which folder to use. You do
that by entering your User Name at the startup or login prompt.

The way you are describing things, the system has no idea who you are, so it
can't find any of your confidential items. That's what makes me think you
are logged in with the wrong user name. It may simply be that your Keychain
has corrupted: look that up in the Help and if necessary, restore it from
your backup.

If what I am saying is not making much sense to you, that may not be
entirely MY fault :) It may be time that you took your machine to someone
who does understand this stuff, so they can search your hard drive to see if
the resources the system needs are stored somewhere (perhaps, in the Trash).

Alternatively, you may choose to restore your entire User ID from your

Hope this helps


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Rafael Montserrat said:
Hi John,

I'm not familiar with 'user id'. I don't recall having to log into
one account or another. one 'correct' account or another. I lookied
around various help sites and couldn't get any clarification. Only,
for now, is my Apple mail program askiing me for user name and user
id. They want a .mac user id, and I am not a .mac member, but I have
been using mac mail for some time. Maybe this is a message to go back
to Entourage.

What is correct user accoount?

Best, Rafael

Hi Rafael:

Are you sure you are logged in to the correct user account?

If you have logged in with a different user ID, nothing from your
life will be visible.

But yes, it's still there on your hard disk, in the "other" folder of the
"Users" directory.



Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

I don't know if what has happened is related to my current work on
Word on this ng. A my personal settings are gone. Everything. I'm
having to reenlist in macmail, which means all my mail and settings
are gone. Had to redownload firefox. All my history and bookmarks
are gone. Anyway. I'm sure you get the picture. What's happened is
that MacMail froze, was frozen the whole time during my Word NG
participation this morning, and nothing would get it to close, the
beachball wouldn't go away. I tried to restart and that didn't work.
I tried to shut down and at first that didn't work until various
system wondows came up
(I don't remember what they were). None of the keycodes for dealing
with this kind of stuff worked Finally the computer shut down. I
opened it an hour later and all my material and settings are gone.
Macros, I imagine. My custom toolbars.
I'm devastated.
Any clues? Does my stuff exist anywhere? Shutting down the computer
isn't supposed to do this, is it? Maybe there's no connection with
the stuff I 've been doing with Word in the newsgroup hasn't got to
anything to do with this problem.
Thanks, Rafael
On Apr 30, 11:52 am, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
Hi little_creature,
Another thing that 's missing is my "Font" and "Font Size".

On Apr 30, 11:21 am, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
w 2002
Hi little_creature,
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arrange All) or
All To Front or when I Pressed option and it didn't exactlycascade,
it did that thing I've been wanting to get away from which is it
little windows of all the regular size windows (@9) I had open.
I did I think 'Bring All To Front' and Word crashed. When I opened
the window the small window said that all changes were in a normal
file, the button was blue, and I pressed it. One doc. came up, and
all my menus were scattered around at the top of the screen. I
think I lost any though. Many of them were custom toolbars, but
learned to press the "save all" with the three-cascaded zips
frequently. Also, I now have the red and green wavy lines u8nder
incorrect words Spelling and Grammar check. Also, the 'work' menu
won't open at all.
Right now I did a sp[elling grammar check. Worked fine, but the
comment window after the grammar & sp check didn't come up.
I've never before used "arrange all" or "bring all to front",
I've never looked them up.
Yesterday I posted separately on this group about getting the black
bar option+command+minus (think-I know I pressed the right ones. I
just don't remember right now, and I'm wary of pressing/anything/
right now. I mention this because it could be related to the above.
I do have 10.4.9.
Best. Rafael
I must have missed yours of the 22nd. I tried that. I played
with it. Don't remember what exactly I pressed (Arange All) or
All To Front
On Apr 22, 6:28 am, little_creature <[email protected]>
Hello Rafael,
I'm currently out of mac so I will just direct you. If you go to
Window, you can play with all the Arrange all ... options which
there if this will help you. I think casacde is PC feature, but I
cannot check it now.
Another thing to try I found on
10.4:Cascadeall windows via a hidden menu option
Tiger only hintI've never seen this before, so I'm guessing it's
with 10.4. In any program that has a 'Window' menu, you'll find
All To Front." However, if you hold down the Option key after
the menu, this becomes "Arrange In Front." Select it, and you get
(nasty IMO) Windows-esque cascading arrangement feature.
Hope this will help a bit
On Apr 22, 12:16 am, Rafael Montserrat <[email protected]>
OS 10.4.9
How do I layer (stack) windows with only the title bars showing.
recall doing this, but I've forgotten, and Word help doesn't
understand my request. I think the windows stacked from upper
corner of the screen toward the lower right. If there were
windows, each title bar was visible.


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