Layers and Behaviors for Menus



I am trying to make the mouse over menus using layers and behaviors. I read
the instructions from and rocksteady wouldn't load. I cannot
figure out how to make the layer stay so it can be clicked on. I tryed some
things I though would work such as un checking the "restore after mouse off"
box. Also, somehow I got the box to stay but it stays for good so I tryed
adding a behavior to the layer to become invisible after mouse off. That
didn't work. I am so new to this and have to learn very fast so please be
nice with the lingo...I'm not up to speed on that.


That is pretty much exactly what I am looking for, Thank you! Except the
only problem is the horizontal dropdown tutorial has expired. Is there
anywhere else I can read how to do it?
Thank you!

Jon Spivey said:
Hi Niki,

You can find my roksteady behaviors at

You should find this fairly simple

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