Layout in Mozilla Firefox



I created a classroom website and finally worked out most of the glitches,
thanks to the support I received here. However, when viewing the website in
Mozilla Firefox, the positioning of the words are out of alignment when
compared to viewing it in Internet Explorer and Netscape. Any ideas how to
fix this?

My web address is

I'd appreciate any suggestions.


Humi Khan

I don't see anything out of position when I view the site in both browsers.
Where exactly you see out of alignment words? I am supposing you are not
using css, otherwise that will cause some trouble. It looks perfectly fine to
me though. Or am I not seeing what you are pointing at.

Tom Willett

I don't see the problems, either.
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
|I don't see anything out of position when I view the site in both browsers.
| Where exactly you see out of alignment words? I am supposing you are not
| using css, otherwise that will cause some trouble. It looks perfectly fine
| me though. Or am I not seeing what you are pointing at.
| "Teacher1" wrote:
| > I created a classroom website and finally worked out most of the
| > thanks to the support I received here. However, when viewing the
website in
| > Mozilla Firefox, the positioning of the words are out of alignment when
| > compared to viewing it in Internet Explorer and Netscape. Any ideas how
| > fix this?
| >
| > My web address is
| >
| > I'd appreciate any suggestions.
| >
| > Thanks!


When I am on my computer and view the website in IE Explorer 7, the text in
the apples on the index page are centered within the graphic and when I open
up the webpage in Mozilla, things are out of line. I am using the CSS, but
if you all can see it fine, then could it be my computer? Thanks for your
help with everything. I have learned so much here!

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