Layout tables and cells help?


Steve G

Can anyone tell me if there is a good step by step guide,
or tutorial online on how to create and use layout tables
and cells for FP2003? I've looked at the great book from
Jim B., but just need some additional help.

Any info is much appreciated.



Steve G.

That seems to bring up either locations that I can go to
take training classes for MS Office, or to get books on
FP2003. I didn't see anything that would teach me how to
do that online.

Is there something there that I missed?


Stefan B Rusynko

That link I posted Is a FREE Online course on layout tables

| That seems to bring up either locations that I can go to
| take training classes for MS Office, or to get books on
| FP2003. I didn't see anything that would teach me how to
| do that online.
| Is there something there that I missed?
| Steve
| >-----Original Message-----
| >See
| AssetID=RC011142341033&CTT=4&Origin=CR061832701033
| >
| >--
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP -
| FrontPage ]
| >"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-
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| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >
| >
| | >| Can anyone tell me if there is a good step by step
| guide,
| >| or tutorial online on how to create and use layout
| tables
| >| and cells for FP2003? I've looked at the great book
| from
| >| Jim B., but just need some additional help.
| >|
| >| Any info is much appreciated.
| >|
| >| Thanks!
| >|
| >| Steve
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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