Ronald Koppers
I need help on installng my companies Global Adress Book
LDAP server reference.
We are moving from Netscape messenger to Outlook.
When I try to type the server adress from my netscape
preferences into the required Outlook LDAP server adress
box, it removes the space between the 2 adresses.
Her is how I type it in:
dir01.td.klm.nl dir02.td klm.nl
After finishing the dialog, and reopening, it is typed as
follows: dir01.td.klm.nldir02.td klm.nl
This is why the program can not understand the reference
in the global adress Book, I think. I keep getting errors
saying it can not find the adress Book.
I need help on installng my companies Global Adress Book
LDAP server reference.
We are moving from Netscape messenger to Outlook.
When I try to type the server adress from my netscape
preferences into the required Outlook LDAP server adress
box, it removes the space between the 2 adresses.
Her is how I type it in:
dir01.td.klm.nl dir02.td klm.nl
After finishing the dialog, and reopening, it is typed as
follows: dir01.td.klm.nldir02.td klm.nl
This is why the program can not understand the reference
in the global adress Book, I think. I keep getting errors
saying it can not find the adress Book.