LDAP Error 81 Messages



I recently upgraded from Outlook 2002 with SP3 to Outlook 2007. I am trying
to set up LDAP for the first time (did not use LDAP in Outlook 2002). I
continue to get the "Error 81: Cannot connect to LDAP server:" messages
whenever I attempt to perform a search. I confirmed the correct settings,
including search base, set the search function to go to contacts first and
LDAP last, performed regedits to the newly created LDAP key, rebooted, and
still no LDAP access.

Server Name: ldap-mountain.nems.noaa.gov
log on not required
port = 636 with SSL
Search Base: o=noaa.gov
60 sec timeout with 100 entry limit

Any ideas where to go from here?

Jenny Fox

Please email me if you found a resolution to this issue.


jenny dot fox at noaa dot gov


Please email me if you found a resolution to this issue.


jenny dot fox at noaa dot gov

Posted and mailed:

Please be aware that whatever forum you are using to post in (and a URL
would be handy) leaches off the Microsoft News servers in order to make it
look far more active than it is.

As your post has appeared on the Microsoft News server with a changed
subject line and NO quoting of the post you are replying to, no-one knows
who you are talking to and about what.

I suggest you ditch this "forum" and subscribe to the MS news groups

Setting up Outlook Express/Windows Mail to access Microsoft newsgroups

Accessing the MS newsgroups in Outlook Express/Windows Mail Newsreader

Jenny Fox

Was this issue resolved?


LDAP Error 81 Messages - scott
20-Apr-07 03:00:02

I recently upgraded from Outlook 2002 with SP3 to Outlook 2007. I am trying
to set up LDAP for the first time (did not use LDAP in Outlook 2002). I
continue to get the "Error 81: Cannot connect to LDAP server:" messages
whenever I attempt to perform a search. I confirmed the correct settings,
including search base, set the search function to go to contacts first and
LDAP last, performed regedits to the newly created LDAP key, rebooted, and
still no LDAP access.

Server Name: ldap-mountain.nems.noaa.gov
log on not required
port = 636 with SSL
Search Base: o=noaa.gov
60 sec timeout with 100 entry limit

Any ideas where to go from here?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

What regedits did you perform?
Did you try a new profile? (A new profile is always recommended when you

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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in message news:2008930124145jenny.fox@noaa.gov...

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