ldb files



I have several databases that are set up as share dbases, and the tables have
been split from the queries, forms, and reports. I have a front end dbase and
a backend dbase, both of which are set as share applications. The front end
is housed on everyone's individual pc, and is linked to the backend found on
the network. I have not set up any secured workgroup, and I have had IT
change the permissions to the folder where the dbase resides to include read,
write, create, and delete. The users can get in all at the same time, but if
a user exits and would like to re-enter, they receive a "Cannot access, file
is already in use". I was thinking this could be because of delete
permissions- maybe their ldb file was not deleting, so when they went back
in, the system thought they were still connected. But I did double-check the
permissions, and it looked fine. The folder that the dbase is in, is a
subfolder. Would the main folder also have to have all the create, write, and
delete permissions? I've tried creating a new database, and importing
everything (basically starting over), but no luck there. For some reason, I
am still convinced that it is a permissions issue. Could I be getting this
error for any other reason? Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thank you.


'69 Camaro

Hi, Sharon.
The users can get in all at the same time, but if
a user exits and would like to re-enter, they receive a "Cannot access, file
is already in use".

This means that at least one of those users doesn't have create permissions
on the directory where the back end database is located. Give all of these
database users "Full Control" to this directory, and you'll fix the problem.
The folder that the dbase is in, is a
subfolder. Would the main folder also have to have all the create, write, and
delete permissions?

No. Each user needs "Full Control" permissions on the directory where the
database file is located. Windows is capable of fine-tuning the the
authorizations right down to the directory and the file.



See http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
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(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
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'69 Camaro

Hi, Joseph.
It sounds to me like you have it set up properly, but there is a delay
between the time someone exits and when the ldb file is updated. Usually it
may take several minutes.

Actually, there isn't really a "delay" in updating the *.LDB file when
someone exits the database, because no entry is ever deleted from an *.LDB
file. After someone exits, the slot becomes available and when the next
user opens the database, the next slot available will be overwritten
immediately by that user's UserID and computer name, so that it can be used
for locking records in the database. The last person out of the database
deletes the *.LDB file, unless the database has been marked as "suspect."

Perhaps this is the "delay in the update" that you've observed? As when
someone doesn't open or reopen the database for several minutes and replace
some previous occupant's UserID and computer name?



See http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
See http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
will be forwarded to me.)

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