LDB locked open on a BE



Using Office 2003 and Windows XP.

Here is my configuration:

Split DB; users have FE stored on their local C drives; BE is password
protected and stored on a network. User security is NOT being used; instead
the GUI is locked down and the VBA gets the network User Name to apply
permissions. Great.

PROBLEM: An ldb file associated with the BE is locked open and cannot be
deleted. It shows four users for whom I have even deleted their FEs. Re-boot
and try to delete the ldb - no can do: file in use. WHAT DO I DO? The BE
cannot be opened exclusive...

How can I trash the ldb and not corrupt the mdb? Please hellp...

Alec M1BNK

This one bites me quite regularly, here's what works for me, thogh my setup
is a little different in that I rely on my domain network to control access.


1. Close all the clients, ensure that none of them will attempt access again
without your permission

2. Reboot the pc containing the back end

3. log in to that PC using the administrator account. If you are on a
domain, log into the PC not the domain if possible.

4. DO NOT OPEN THE MDB. Delete the LDB. As long as nobody except
"Administrator" is logged in or sharing files on this PC then there should be
no security issues.

5. When the LDB is deleted, open the MDB, compact and repair.

Good luck



Thanks, but I've already tried this.

The ldb shows four users who don't even have FEs anymore. I cannot delete
the ldb; any other suggestions?


For everyone's information:

I got this issue corrected by contacting our Network support team. They had
to use brute force to delete the ldb file using tools unavailable to me.

Apparently a hicup on the network caused a disconnect from the users, but
the DB stayed up and therefore the ldb contained user artifacts making it
appear the users were still connected.

Does anyone know if Microsoft has a tool out there to trash disconnected
ldb's? If they don't they should...something like a bat file you could run,
point to the ldb you want deleted and let it rip...

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