LDB Won't Close...


Bob Barnes

Access 2003. A PC has a LDB open, but we can't delete it.

Trying to copy over another MDB w/ the same LDB Filename
above won't copy.

We went to the Task Manager to see if MSACCESS.EXE was
listed as a Process...it wasn't. Hoped it was and "End Process"
might close the LDB.

How can we close the LDB?

TIA - Bob

'69 Camaro

Hi, Bob.
How can we close the LDB?

The file is locked by some other process than the one you tried to kill.
Perhaps this is a multiuser database being shared on the network? (This is
a no-no, but I know people do it all the time.) If so, perhaps one of the
other users is connected to the MDB file. If so, have that user quit the
database application. Use the LDB Viewer to see which workstations on the
network are currently connected to the database.

If that doesn't work, ask the Windows Network Admin to remove the file lock.

If this database application isn't networked, then look to see what other
process is connected to the MDB file, such as an Excel spreadsheet, and when
you find it, save your work and close that application to remove the file
lock. If you can't find the process that is locking the database, then save
all your work and reboot the PC where the database is located. That will
remove the file lock.


See http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
See http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips and tutorials.
Blog: http://DataDevilDog.BlogSpot.com
http://www.Access.QBuilt.com/html/expert_contributors2.html for contact

Bob Barnes


Bob Barnes

Gunny...Thank you.

"Perhaps this is a multiuser database being shared on the network? (This is
a no-no, but I know people do it all the time.)"...No, that's not it.

I'll follow what you recommend below.

Thank you.

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