You could do a SS link with a *lag* (not lead) of 2 days or you could do it
with a FS link with a *lead* of the predecessor's duration minus 2 days (ex:
if the predecessor is 8 days long, the FS lead time is -6 days, NOT -2
days). Either way is correct, to choose which you use, ask yourself in the
process itself, which end of the predecessor is the determining factor for
the timing of the sucessor, its start or its finish.
Lead time means that successor starts earlier than the link otherwise would
place it, lag time means it starts later than the link would place it.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs
toyosi said:
hi, i have these two tasks. i want the succeding one to start two days
into the preceding one, should i give it a dependency type of finish - start
with 2 days lead(i.e -2days)?or is it start- start of -2days?confused