KB 285059 shows a great way to have leading, emphasized text in a paragraph
appear as a heading in a table of contents. Usually used as a lower-level
heading, it blends well with furnished (full paragraph) headings used at
higher levels in a table of contents. However, it seems - to me anyway -
that such lower-level headings cannot be made to appear in the "Headings"
sub-window when you try to insert a cross reference to them. Is there a way
to have lead-in emphasis text appear in a table of contents with other
headings and also be capable of being cross referenced?
appear as a heading in a table of contents. Usually used as a lower-level
heading, it blends well with furnished (full paragraph) headings used at
higher levels in a table of contents. However, it seems - to me anyway -
that such lower-level headings cannot be made to appear in the "Headings"
sub-window when you try to insert a cross reference to them. Is there a way
to have lead-in emphasis text appear in a table of contents with other
headings and also be capable of being cross referenced?