I've got a few Project files set up running on the project
server. In these are resources that are grouped under
generic terms - eg. 4 brickies. I would like to be able
to get the brickie supervisor to log on and deploy tasks
from the generic resource to specific resouces.
I realise if I give the supervisor all the tasks to begin
with he can do this, but
1. I don't know then how to take the task back off the
resource to reallocation and
2. If the brickie supervisor is also looking after say,
the trainees as well, I don't want him to get confused
about which are trainee tasks and which are brickie tasks,
or have to log in twice.
Can anyone help?
I've got a few Project files set up running on the project
server. In these are resources that are grouped under
generic terms - eg. 4 brickies. I would like to be able
to get the brickie supervisor to log on and deploy tasks
from the generic resource to specific resouces.
I realise if I give the supervisor all the tasks to begin
with he can do this, but
1. I don't know then how to take the task back off the
resource to reallocation and
2. If the brickie supervisor is also looking after say,
the trainees as well, I don't want him to get confused
about which are trainee tasks and which are brickie tasks,
or have to log in twice.
Can anyone help?