League registrations


Rick Heckbert

We have a Recreational Girls Softball League with about 700 girls in it.
Currently we are using MS Excel to keep track of the players, coaches and
teams. I've looked online for commerical database packages to keep track of
it but these always seem to have the wrong information or a lot of features
we don't need. I have some expereince with MS-Access and I was wondering if
anyone out there has created an Access database I could use as a basis for
creating ours rather than start completely from scratch?

Any suggestions, caveats and or hints would also be appreciated too

If not, are there any registration packages out there that people prefer and
would reccommend?


Sylvain Lafontaine

In my opinion, you should buy a commercial package even if it have a lot of
features that you don't need; as it is quite impossible to make a commercial
package that will be exactly adapted to each of its potential customers.

You can try making your own but be warned that if creating tables, forms and
queries for storing teams and players can be a relatively easy task, having
to make them for storing calendar, results of matchs and individual
statistics for the players will be a lot much harder.

S. L.

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