Learn Access Programming Book - Website Recomendations?


John D

I have a good understanding of relational database design, I can use the
"non-programming" design tools of Access 2003 pretty well, but I'm stumbling
around trying to figure out how to put code into various events - and being
very confused because I don't know "the basics" (so to speak).

I signed up for a VBA for Access course at our local community college, but
they cancelled for lack of students (I live pretty far out in the sticks).

Can you recommend a good hands-on VBA learning book for someone in my
position - pretty good "power user" with good database theory understanding,
but no programming experience? (I generally like the "... for Dummies"
series, but I couldn't quite figure if any of the Visual Basic for Dummies
books was what I need for Access.)

And, recommendations of good web-based learning of VBA for Access?

Thanks so much.

John D

John D

Oh - and I'm hoping for a, say, 150 page book - not the 900 page boat anchor
I have on my desk that I'm sure is a very good book, but oh man!!!

Fred Boer

Dear John D:

John Viescas has a list here:


Mr. Viescas is a well respected writer and anything from him is good. (I'd
love to get my hands on his latest book "Building Microsoft Access
Applications", which I haven't seen, but looks great - with 4 complete
applications to learn from... perhaps on my next birthday - though I don't
think my family will want me to have any more Access stuff...).

Jeff Conrad has a loooong list here:


The Access Developers Handbook is essential for serious Access developers,
but, imho, it is a bit intimidating if you are just starting out with VBA as
it isn't really designed for beginners. I found "Beginning Access 2000 VBA"
by Sussman and Smith quite helpful, personally.

Best bet is to get to a good bookstore and browse to see what looks good to

Have fun! Learning VBA is a blast! And keep coming back here for answers as
you learn!

Fred Boer


The Access Developers Handbook is essential for serious Access developers,
but, imho, it is a bit intimidating if you are just starting out with VBA
as it isn't really designed for beginners. I found "Beginning Access 2000
VBA" by Sussman and Smith quite helpful, personally.

I second this. I started out with "Beginning Access 2002 VBA" and was very
pleased with it. It really got me going. Now I keep the Developer Handbooks
lying around, but I only use them as reference. I more or less went through
the first one and did the examples.

/ Jesper

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