learning Access



I'm VERY new to Access 2003. I went through all of the Microsoft tutorials, but all they really taught me was enough to be dangerous. Does anyone have or know of any sites out there that have additional and/or more difficult tutorials or lessons that I could go through to get more familiar with this program?



What was the number one thing you picked up from the tutorials regarding
creating an Access database? Let's start there :)

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting


Rawley said:
I'm VERY new to Access 2003. I went through all of the Microsoft
tutorials, but all they really taught me was enough to be dangerous. Does
anyone have or know of any sites out there that have additional and/or more
difficult tutorials or lessons that I could go through to get more familiar
with this program?



I learned the very basics of setting up and using forms, tables, and queries. Really nothing with reports or pages. Also, nothing with understanding how primary and foreign keys work and relate in order to utilize them properly.


As I suspected. The absolute first step in any successful database design
is identifying what entities you need, and creating a normalized design
that supports it. Forms, queries, etc. come later.

Database Normalization basics:

More details about 3NF (Third Normal Form) with links to details on 1NF and

Glossary which has definitions for PK, FK, etc.

Before you ever sit down and start creating a table, form, whatever you need
to understand these things or you will be back here asking questions and
getting responses that tell you to start over in some areas.

Please read those links, and post back with questions about them. They are
not by any means an exhaustive resource, but certainly a great start. And
they are not platform specific. Access, SQL Server, Oraclee...operate under
the same principle.

Hope that helps :)

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting


Rawley said:

I learned the very basics of setting up and using forms, tables, and
queries. Really nothing with reports or pages. Also, nothing with
understanding how primary and foreign keys work and relate in order to
utilize them properly.

John Parkinson


Don't be afraid to post any questions on this forun. I
have learned a lot just by checking the site everyday.

Also, a group that meets (chats) twice a week at this site
is a big help.


John Parkinson
-----Original Message-----

I learned the very basics of setting up and using forms,
tables, and queries. Really nothing with reports or
pages. Also, nothing with understanding how primary and
foreign keys work and relate in order to utilize them


Amen to normanization. 80% of the problems I find in corporate installed
Access databases are in some way due to failure to normalize tables. Or,
enhancements need changes to schema in order to operate successfully.

But you can learn the set up pattern for a parent-child relationship, and
how to resolve ambiguities in a many:many relationship via a table
containing FK references to the relevant entity tables dropped in via
comboboxes on a subform.

Once you've built one of these layers you can add as many as you want via
following the same general development process.

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