Learning VBA and Macros



In my attempts to learn VBA and macros for use in Word, I have read and
studied several books including, but not limited to, "VBA for Dummies", all
to no avail. I even went so far as to take a class in VBA at my local
community college. There just seems to be something about the syntax of the
coding that continues to escape me.

I was once very well versed at using macros in WordPerfect, and consequently
thought this would be a relatively easy undertaking for me. However, after a
couple of years of putting forth the effort, I remain significantly confused.

I have used several of the macros posted by the "Community" and they have
indeed worked. However, in reading through the coding, I have no idea as to
what the coding is actually doing and how or why they were written the way
they were or what it all means.

Is there a method, book or manual that any of you would recommend? I'm
still awaiting that little "aha" moment that comes with understanding.

I appreciate so very much the efforts that are extended and information that
is shared by all of you within this "Community" and thanks in advance for
your attention to the above.

Helmut Weber


if you would post some code,
everybody here would be willing, to comment it
in more than the usual way.

Would be quite nice to read different interpretations. ;-)
Is there a method, book or manual that any of you would recommend?

I don't read books on programming,
I use them for solving particular problems.

To me, trying to learn for the sake of learning,
was of no avail, too.

However, trying to solve a specific problem,
of which you know there is a solution,
and it is only up to you, to solve it,
might bring the success, you're waiting for.

You might not have to wait as long as I had.
I think, it took me longer than a year,
some pauses included, to progress
from Word-Basic to Visual-Basic.

It seems, with Visual Studio, it'll be the same.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & "t-online.de"


Suzanne and Helmut:

Thank you both so very much. I appreciate your responses.


When I first started working with VBA I found the record feature on
word very useful. When you can record a Marco and the go into the VB
editor and see what the code is behind what you just did.

For example if you wanted to know how to make something bold using
code, you would switch on the record feature and then select your text
and hit BOLD on the tool bar then hit stop recording . You can then go
in and look at the code to see what you did step-by-step.

It is true that VBA takes a lot more abstract thinking then say Perfect
Script. However once you see a few simple things you can kind of start
to see how the go together. I also found that just playing around with
the code was very helpful, with the help of groups like these I've
leaned a lot in a short period of time.


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