Learning VBA online for Excel



I wish all the members a happy and prosperous new year

I am 54 years. Started working on computers since 1990 or so startin
with Word Star and Lotus. Switched over to MS Office from 199
converting or using Lotus files from Excel. Now I am extensively usin
Excel for all my office work Salaries, Income Tax, Provident Fund
Monthly and Annual Accounting. I am better in using all the Menus an
take their benefits including use of functions. I am able to recor
simple macros for the repetitive tasks, assign them to self-create
tool bar, menus, sub-menus (controls) and key board letters with Ctrl+
keys but cannot write macros myself as I do not have the knowledge o
VB. I want to learn more abouot VB and programming in Excel. Can
learn on-line easy-way without academically learning through big books
Please suggest easy way to learn VB and preparing macros which woul
easy my office work and I can put all my work in a programme/softwar



Blue Hornet

gandhi318 said:
I wish all the members a happy and prosperous new year

I am 54 years. Started working on computers since 1990 or so starting
with Word Star and Lotus. Switched over to MS Office from 1997
converting or using Lotus files from Excel. Now I am extensively using
Excel for all my office work Salaries, Income Tax, Provident Fund,
Monthly and Annual Accounting. I am better in using all the Menus and
take their benefits including use of functions. I am able to record
simple macros for the repetitive tasks, assign them to self-created
tool bar, menus, sub-menus (controls) and key board letters with Ctrl+
keys but cannot write macros myself as I do not have the knowledge of
VB. I want to learn more abouot VB and programming in Excel. Can I
learn on-line easy-way without academically learning through big books.
Please suggest easy way to learn VB and preparing macros which would
easy my office work and I can put all my work in a programme/software



My age and experience closely parallels your own, except that I am so
lazy that I *had* to learn VBA in order to save steps later. I suppose
it's a toss-up whether the time I've spent learning VBA has actually
saved any time or steps in my processing but ... I do know some VBA

The way I learned was to record simple macros, as you have done, and
then read them (Alt-F11) to see how they worked. (I had the added
benefit of having worked with simple Lotus 1-2-3 keyboard macros, so I
knew some of the things that I wanted to do in Excel.) My first step
was to find out how to make things interactive.

As you know, the macros you record are explicitly literal, having
worksheets named exactly what they were when recorded, operating on
exactly the same ranges, etc. So I wanted them to operate over
different workbooks, different sheets (or all sheets) and different

Then I had to learn the various Looping constructs For ... Next; Do
While; Do (until), etc. Conditional programming with If / Then /
ElseIf / End If ... and you'll be off and running before you know it.

More often than not I will still "record" a macro to do a bit of
complex processing, and then use VBA to fine tune it (the code is
pretty boggy "as recorded"), add looping, conditions, user inputs,
error traps, etc. And comments. Don't forget to add comments!

Gordon Rainsford

One book I'd highly recommend for your situation is "Excel VBA in Easy
Steps". It's easy to read, and will get you to the point where you can
usefully progress using Help and this newsgroup.

Gordon Rainsford

London UK

gandhi318 said:
I wish all the members a happy and prosperous new year

I am 54 years. Started working on computers since 1990 or so startingwith
Word Star and Lotus. Switched over to MS Office from 1997converting or
using Lotus files from Excel. Now I am extensively usingExcel for all
my office work Salaries, Income Tax, Provident Fund,Monthly and Annual
Accounting. I am better in using all the Menus andtake their benefits
including use of functions. I am able to recordsimple macros for the
repetitive tasks, assign them to self-createdtool bar, menus, sub-menus
(controls) and key board letters with Ctrl+ keys but cannot write macros
myself as I do not have the knowledge ofVB. I want to learn more abouot
VB and programming in Excel. Can Ilearn on-line easy-way without
academically learning through big books.Please suggest easy way to learn
VB and preparing macros which wouldeasy my office work and I can put all
my work in a programme/softwarestyle.


Many thanks to Mr. Norman Jones, Mr. Blue Hornet and Mr. Gordo
Rainsford for their valuable suggestions. I hope by going throug
those links and books, I would definately improve my little knowledg
of progrramming in Excel which should help my Institute and all siste

Thanks you again,



Thank you Hornet for sharing your experience in working with Lotus 1-2-
and Excel exactly how I worked. I too reached knowing upto variou
Looping constructs For ... Next; Do While; Do (until), etc.
Conditional programming with If / Then /ElseIf / End If etc. I used al
these in my programming on General Provident Fund Accounting which i
being used by my Instt and other Institutions also who are ver
greatful to me for easing their work. My little programme gives ful
details of an individual GPF account on just putting the account No.
It produces application, sanction order, bill, ledger posting
broadsheet posting etc. etc. At the end of the year it calculate
Interest and also closing balances. I would like to send a file o
that programme to you. We should be pround that we learnt of our ow
without the academic knolwdge and with the help of Microsoft Help o
Excel and earlier on the Help of Lotus. Please do mail you
experiences to (e-mail address removed).

Hope u would keep with me


With regards



Dear Gordon Rainsford,

Where do I get that book. Whether an Indian Edition is available. Wh
is the Author and Publisher. Please do provide details.


Gordon Rainsford

Excel Vba in Easy Steps (Paperback)
by Ed Robinson
Publisher: Computer Step (May 31, 2004)
ISBN: 1840782714

available from amazon

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