Learning Visual Basic



Hi all, i would like to learn visual basic so i can set up user forms to
start with and if possible move on to other stuff. Can anyone direct me to a
basic laymens terms site to learn the components of writing vb and why and
how you write what is written. This is a project i have set myself so all
help would be appreciated. Many thanks


ther are lots of good examples of VBA code at Chip Pearson's website

'Excel Redirect' (http://www.cpearson.com)

I attached a very simple example of a userform. Look at the code i
module 1, and inside the userform. All the code does is save data fro
a text box to a workbook.

You can get the workbook I uploaded from TheCodeCage at the followin


|Filename: Userform Example.xls
|Download: http://www.thecodecage.com/forumz/attachment.php?attachmentid=407

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