Lebans Custom Navigation Not working for me



I am using Lebans custom navigation, Access 2002 user.
RecordNavigationButtons is an MDB containing code to replace the standard
Navigation Buttons. The custom buttons exactly emulate the standard
navigation bar including the autorepeat property.
I imported the form frmNavButtons.

I have the top level form (unbound) with subform1 (not linked). Subform1
has all of my data. I dragged lebans form, frmNavButtons from the database
window to the detail section (also tried the footer section) of subform1.
When using the frmNavButtons form, I receive error message of, "The object
'subform1' isn't open."

I can create a new form, and use the frmNavButtons as a subform perfectly.
How can I get this to work with a subform of a subform (my top form is

Here is the same code of the nav buttons. (the last criteria changes
depending on the direction to navigate)

DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Me.Parent.Name, acNext

If you can assist, I would be very grateful.

John Spencer

I don't think that the solution works on a subform. The problem being that
you have a subform on a subform so, with the following

DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Me.Parent.Name, acNext

Me.Parent.Name is not the name of an open form. It is the name of a form
being used as a subform. Therefore you get an error. I would guess that
you or Stephen Lebans could insert code to determine if the Navigation
Controls subform was present on a subform or on a form and then develop code
to handle this appropriately.

Stephen Lebans

Thanks for helping out the OP with this issue John as I've been away. I
believe someone sent me a modified version of this project that would work
on Subforms but I cannot find it right now. I simply do not have the time to
update this project as the OP wishes.


Stephen Lebans
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