Lebans Report to PDF for Multiple Reports




I'm using Mr. Leban's Report to PDF utility with great results,
however, I need help taking it one step farther...

I have several different reports open at once. Each contains
different info, but they are all needed to satisfy a reporting
requirement. Workflow had been to print each report to an individual
PDF file, then get an admin person with a full version of Acrobat to
combine the individual file into one file for document retention.

I'd like to be able to cut out the admin person step and use the
Leban's utility to print all open reports to a single file.

Any suggestions?




Additional Information...

I've tried the obvious of creating an unbound report and making each
of the 6 reports I need combined into subreport each in their own
group header.

The problem is that each of the individual reports has information
(title and some other stuff) in the page header. I need that
information printed on each page.

The unbound report method appears to suppress the page header for
subreports 2-6. That is unacceptable.

So, can I force Access to not suppress those page headers? Or is
there a way to kep each report it's own object and combine the
"printed" result?



I thought that would be the case, but it was worth asking.

Any ideas on how to get around the subreports not showing their
individual page headers?

Thanks - and great utility BTW. One of my favorites!


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