Left and right justifaction with leaders on one line



I want to set up a page with text justified on the left then dot leaders
filling the space before text justified on the right. But, I can't seem to do
anything except have all the right-justified text start at the same tab stop.
(Table of Contents-style) Is there a way to do this? I used to do it in
text here here here...........................text here and here
text here..................................................text here too

Charles Kenyon

Use a right tab rather than a left one for the tab setting on the right?
Charles Kenyon

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Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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I've tried that - but it won't allow the first part of the line to stay flush
left before the leaders. Any other thoughts?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you typing the text you want on the left, then pressing Tab, then typing
the text you want on the right?

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