Legal agreement templates



Does anyone have a legal agreement template, such as for commercial
real estate, that they would be willing to share? I don't necessarily
need the content, as much as I need the styles.

Terry Farrell


Unfortunately, the new spate of SWEN worm is doing its work. Everyone's
email address is being harvested from these Newsgroups. What you need to do
is to 'spoof' your email address. Assuming you are using Outlook Express, go
to Tools, Accounts and double-click on the Microsoft Public Newsgroup. Now
change your email address to something that sensible users will spot is
spoofed by harvesting machines won't. Change yours to something like
(e-mail address removed). Unfortunately, you have left this too late for your
current email address, so I recommend getting another email account and
spoofing before using any public groups.

Bruce Brown

I will send you two legal documents from which you can make templates
if you wish by saving them with the .dot extension.

They use the built-in Heading styles for paragraph numbering.

Interestingly, no matter how long or complex an outlined transactional
agreement is, you usually need only four kinds of styles within the
main body of the agreement:

* Heading styles 1-9
* Body Text Indent or Body Text First Indent
* Body Text
* Normal (least used of them all)

For the cover page, schedules and exhibits, it's a different story.
But the main outline requires amazingly few styles. I'll try to get
them off tonight.

- Bruce

Suzanne S. Barnhill

No. And it's archived on Google forever.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Terry Farrell

Nope. One of the problems with many Public Newsgroups and this one in
particular is that News Servers all over the world also carry duplicates of
the Microsoft Public Newsgroups. To make matters worse, the newsgroups are
also archived at Google and other search engines. You can go back over 10
years and find my postings archived!

So this is a very public NG. You cannot delete a thread and there would be
no point. You're post will be available for all to find for many years to

As I recommended in my previous post, always mask your real email address to
that it cannot be harvested.


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