Legal Assignment of the ownership of a Horse w/ Reg. Papers


Little Red

I want to Assign the Legal Ownership of one of my horses to another person to
whom I have stated, " You are now a 49% owner of this horse", but have not
set down this on paper to allow this person to have this 'legal claim'. Is
there a MS Template no existing that I can use or do I just need to spend
$500 for a Lawyer. This I would like to be able to avoid. Ant suggestions
would be helpful.

I hope I am in the correct place to post this question!

Little Red

I take your welcome response as very good common sense advise, JoAnn. My
thanks for responding. I guess I have been functioning in my "Cheap-Scate"
Retired Professors seem to do that now and then!!!

Tom ("Little Red") Vogt

JoAnn Paules said:
You need a lawyer. Never take legal advice from a newsgroup.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"Little Red" said:
I want to Assign the Legal Ownership of one of my horses to another person
whom I have stated, " You are now a 49% owner of this horse", but have not
set down this on paper to allow this person to have this 'legal claim'.
there a MS Template no existing that I can use or do I just need to spend
$500 for a Lawyer. This I would like to be able to avoid. Ant
would be helpful.

I hope I am in the correct place to post this question!

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

You don't know what cheap is until you've lived where I do. Oh my! We give
cheap a new meaning around here.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"Little Red" said:
I take your welcome response as very good common sense advise, JoAnn. My
thanks for responding. I guess I have been functioning in my
Retired Professors seem to do that now and then!!!

Tom ("Little Red") Vogt

JoAnn Paules said:
You need a lawyer. Never take legal advice from a newsgroup.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"Little Red" said:
I want to Assign the Legal Ownership of one of my horses to another
whom I have stated, " You are now a 49% owner of this horse", but have
set down this on paper to allow this person to have this 'legal claim'.
there a MS Template no existing that I can use or do I just need to
$500 for a Lawyer. This I would like to be able to avoid. Ant
would be helpful.

I hope I am in the correct place to post this question!

Little Red

I am very sorry to hear that.. Santa Maria, CA is a great 'climate' to live
in but not much of anything else -- lot's and lot's and even more of that as
far as Strawberries are concerned. 90% of the world production here. Plenty
of illegals though -- lot's and lot's!!!!

Warm Regards from a "Georgia Boy"

"Little Red"

JoAnn Paules said:
You don't know what cheap is until you've lived where I do. Oh my! We give
cheap a new meaning around here.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

"Little Red" said:
I take your welcome response as very good common sense advise, JoAnn. My
thanks for responding. I guess I have been functioning in my
Retired Professors seem to do that now and then!!!

Tom ("Little Red") Vogt

JoAnn Paules said:
You need a lawyer. Never take legal advice from a newsgroup.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

I want to Assign the Legal Ownership of one of my horses to another
whom I have stated, " You are now a 49% owner of this horse", but have
set down this on paper to allow this person to have this 'legal claim'.
there a MS Template no existing that I can use or do I just need to
$500 for a Lawyer. This I would like to be able to avoid. Ant
would be helpful.

I hope I am in the correct place to post this question!

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