I have an XY graph with five lines. At the bottom, is the legend that shows
the values that pertain to each line, say 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, and 9%. But it
doesn't show the name of what those values represent, such as "interest
rate". I am not sure how to get that name, which would be found in some
cell (so it can change), into the legend box. Can someone tell me how this
is done (without macros), please? If the name cannot come from a cell but
must be inserted manually into the legend, that is OK, too, though less
the values that pertain to each line, say 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, and 9%. But it
doesn't show the name of what those values represent, such as "interest
rate". I am not sure how to get that name, which would be found in some
cell (so it can change), into the legend box. Can someone tell me how this
is done (without macros), please? If the name cannot come from a cell but
must be inserted manually into the legend, that is OK, too, though less