Legend Problems



I have some x-y scatter plots where the series titles are pulled from
cells in the workbook. In the source data box the titles show up
right, but on the chart the last of the text is being moved to the
front. For instance, if the title is "33degC Hold (RE203)", it is
showing up as ")33degC Hold (RE203". Any ideas on what the problem
could be and how to fix it? It has also gone the reverse way. I had
the following as a title "33 degC Hold Rep#1" entered, but it was
displayed as "degC Hold Rep#1 33". Help!

Bernard Liengme

Some suggestions:
1) More the legend to the bottom of the chart to give it more horizontal
2) Use ° (ALT+0176 on numeric key pad) in place of "deg"
3) If all fails, use call-outs from Drawing tool to hold long text and point
to each series

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