Length of Section Title



Is there a limit on the number of characters that I can use in the section
titles or names? Some characters were truncated.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

I imagine since the folders/sections in OneNote are really folders/files in
Explorer, it would run into the same limitation. ISTR it is 255 characters
on an NTFS volume - do you really have a section name longer than that?


The entire section name was not that long, and is fully displayed at the top
of the page when I made the entry. But on the side bars, the name was
truncated. I am new to OneNote. Am I mssing something?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Can you clarify? Are you talking about long section/folder names (the
tabs across the top of the screen) or long page/subpage names (the tabs
along the left or right side)?

If the latter, you should be able to click and drag horizontally so that
there is more space on the screen devoted to the page titles (at the
expense of note space). Hover the mouse on the "border" between the page
titles and the note space until you see the double-headed arrow.


Sorry for the confusion in terminology. I am new to the program. The tab
along the top is fine. the names for those were short. I was talking about
the page/subpage names on the right side of the note page. I have long
descriptive names for those. The page name was properly displayed at the top
of the note page (automatically split into two rows). But for some reasons,
the page name on the right side only displays up to 49 characters. When I
hover the mouse pointer on it, then a bubble will show up showing all
characters plus the date. There is still plenty of space left to display the
full page name on the right hand side, so there is nothing to do with the
screen size. It just truncated everything after 49 characters. That's
somewhat odd to me.

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