"Less than or equal to" symbol in a UserForm



Dear VBA gurus,

I am creating a userform that allows users to enter in constraints for
linear programming problems.

I want to have the "Less than or equal to" symbol on my form. I do not just
want to put "<=", I would like the actual symbol in a label. It is unicode
character 2264.

How do I get that symbol into my userform? Thank you kindly.

Tom Ogilvy

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Label1.Font.Name = "Arial Unicode MS"
Label1.Font.Size = 10
Label1.Caption = "ABC " & ChrW(&H2264) & " CDF"
End Sub

2264 is hex value.

Tom Ogilvy

Pierre Archambault

Use the Character Map utility to select and copy the character. Then paste
it in the label itself not in the property box.
Select the font you need and it's al done.

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