Let's try this again Problem with ONENOTE can not use pen tool.


max headroom

I tried to recently use onenote. I can not use the pen tool.
I can select the ink but nothing appears on the screen. When I try to undo
there is no record on the pen movement. Anyone know what is causing this
Or has anyone experienced it before.
I tried to uninstall it and went back to delete the onenote in the registry
and reinstall, same problem. Please help.

max headroom

It's not a tablet just a regular laptop PC and I want to circle text with the
mouse when sharing the pad.
I have another laptop where this works in fact this used to work on this
laptop and then it stopped all of a sudden.

max headroom

Since getting a reply here is useless
here is what I am suspecting now as the cause.
The service pack either 2 for windows XP or the onenote servicepack disabled
the pen feature.
Since some people have the pen grayed out I have othe PC's running onenote
with the pen and the only thing different that I did was the upgrades on the

I am hoping it is not the XP SP2 cause then I'm F_cked.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook

It's not XP SP2 as I just tried it on my laptop with XPSP2 and OneNote SP1
installed and it worked fine.

Offhand I'm not sure what might cause that - but I'll check into it when I
have some time.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I tried to recently use onenote. I can not use the pen tool.
I can select the ink but nothing appears on the screen. When I try to undo
there is no record on the pen movement. Anyone know what is causing this
Or has anyone experienced it before.
I tried to uninstall it and went back to delete the onenote in the registry
and reinstall, same problem. Please help.


Did you try Detect and Repair from the Help menu?

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

max headroom

I think I need to uninstall it and wipe all traces of it from the registry
and reinstall it again. Problem is to find all the components in the registry.

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