Melinda Chase
I have a subreport that lists several projects an employee has worked on. I
need this to be displayed as a lettered list, instead of numbered. Each
project has a letter in front of it (instead of a number) that is assigned
by the following in the Detail Section's OnFormat Event.
Me.JobLetter = Chr(Asc(Nz(Me.JobLetter, "@")) + 1) & "."
This seemed like a good solution until I went to the next employee's list
and realized that the lettering continued from the previous list. This is
not what I'd like to see. I'd like the lettering to restart on each
employee's record. So each employee has a list of projects starting with
Any suggestions on how to do this?
I have a subreport that lists several projects an employee has worked on. I
need this to be displayed as a lettered list, instead of numbered. Each
project has a letter in front of it (instead of a number) that is assigned
by the following in the Detail Section's OnFormat Event.
Me.JobLetter = Chr(Asc(Nz(Me.JobLetter, "@")) + 1) & "."
This seemed like a good solution until I went to the next employee's list
and realized that the lettering continued from the previous list. This is
not what I'd like to see. I'd like the lettering to restart on each
employee's record. So each employee has a list of projects starting with
Any suggestions on how to do this?