Letter to the editor or publisher- Request to have a column with your newpaper.


Lana Wright

Dear sir/madam,

I would like to write articles for a newspaper reflecting on many important
issues that I feel are avoided. Not only because of their content, but due
to the fact that people seem to have a great deal of trouble with the
'truth' and the 'big picture'. The main name of the articles would be
"Reality check-The Big Picture".

Please understand that I am a psychic. I keep my life and my ability very
private. I made a solid choice to obstain from ridicule, except when
something is far too important to ignore. There are too many people who are
afraid of the truth and in turn can be quite cruel. I realize that many
people do not believe in psychics. The funny part is, is they do believe in
god. I do have the ability to see beyond the normal and my knowledge comes
from places even I don't understand. Trust me, the gift I have can
sometimes be more of a burden than a gift. My only intention is to
hopefully help people to see another side to things other than what they

Many people won't or can't see what's going on around them. They can't seem
to see beyond their own noses and when they do they reject it because they
can't handle the truth. It's easier to fight for the simple things in life,
than it is to work hard to put an end to something that takes time and
effort. A prime example is "abuse". It is one of the least understood and
one of the worst crimes around us today. Our lack of knowledge,
understanding, comprehension and intervention, is costing too many people
their lives.

We need to realize once and for all that abuse does not only exist behind
closed doors, it exists everywhere. In schools, backyards, workplaces,
hospitals, old age homes, on the streets, and many other places. In so many
cases we refuse to call things exactly what they are. Eg.'s: hazing,
bullying, & initiations are abuse!

There are many topics that we need to stop questioning so much and do
something about. We can all start by taking responsibility for what we do &
don't do, by facing the truth about ourselves. Once we face that, I think
that we would all be amazed at how simple the answers really are. We hope a
situation will just go away on its own or lay the blame where it shouldn't
be laid. The end result becomes disastrous.

I hope that you will take the time to read this. I appreciate your time and
hope you will give me the opportunity to speak out through your paper.

I will be awaiting your response.


Lana wright
T20-4086 Standard Hill Rd.
Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 7B4

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