Letter Wizard and Document Template



The Letter Wizard (launched from Outlook 2003) ignores all my contact fields
located in a customized document template (created in Word 2003).

I need to place various contact fields in my template so that my users can
use the Letter Wizard in Outlook to automatically fill-in these fields. It
seems that the Letter Wizard ignores all the different placements (i.e.
locations) of these contact fields in the template. The Letter Wizard uses it
own arrangement and the supported fields can only be turned on or off only. I
can't dictate where to place these fields.

I found out that the only thing I can do is to change the text styles (e.g.
spacing, sizes, fonts, etc). The locations of all the supported contact
fields are simply fixed by the Letter Wizard!

Anyone got any experience in dealing with this issue? Any suggestions or


Emily Lin

Hi Robin,

When we choose a Contact in Outlook and then click Action > New Letter to Contact. We can choose a letter template in the first step to
apply the page design as you want. However, it doesn't add the contact fields in your template into the Recipient Info tab in the wizard. The
locations of all the supported contact fields are simply fixed by the Letter Wizard!

You may use the AutoText entries to create a Letter Using Your Custom Page Design. For detail information, refer to the following KB article.
Hope it is helpful!

224751 WD2000: How to Add a Custom Page Design to the Letter Wizard (it also applies for Word 2003)

If anything is unclear or if you have any other concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Emily Lin

Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Hi Emily,

Thank you once again for your response.

My needs go beyond the simple "boilerplate" feature provided by the Letter
Wizard. I need to be able to lay out necessary contact fields (not all of
them but only those stipulated by Letter Wizard) in various locations of my
document template and subsequently want the Letter Wizard to pick them up by
filling in the necessary contact fields from Outlook.

I have done some research before and I found out that we can only change the
styles and not the location as you have also pointed out. Do you know if
Outlook 2007 also has this limitation? Or is there other hidden secrets to
get around this limitation in Outlook 2003? I have just signed up for the
TechNet Plus Direct support package and am wondering if I should activate one
of my complimentary support incidents for this issue.

Thanks again.

Emily Lin

Hi Robin,

The letter wizard has been removed in Office 2007.

There is not such a setting/options in Outlook 2003/Word 2003 to customize (add) the contact fields into the Recipient Info tab in the letter
wizard. It is a by-design feature. I understand that you do want to customize the letter wizard and have signed up for the TechNet Plus Direct
support package. Hope you will get some useful information!

In addition, if you have any concern with the product by-design feature, please feel free to submit your suggestion on our product to the
following link. Our Product Group reviews the suggestions submitted by our customers. Your feedback is valuable for us to improve our products
and increase the level of service provided.


Have a nice day!

Emily Lin,
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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Hi Emily,

Thanks very much once again for your help and info. I guess the next best
choice is for me to work with the styles to get what I want.

Once again appreciate it.


Emily Lin

Hi Robin,

My pleasure. If you meet issue in future please feel free to post in our newsgroup. You're always welcome!

Have a nice day!

Emily Lin,
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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