Letters and Mailing



I wanted to insert an address from my Address Book into a Word Document. I
clicked Tools<Letters and Mailings then selected the Envelopes Tab. The
following text is displayed in the dialogue box:

"When the will has forgotten the lifelong aim, And the mind can only
disgrace its fame, And a man is uncertain of his own name--The power of the
Lord shall fill this frame."

Is this a known 'bug'? If it is, I'd like to know how to get rid of it. I'd
also like to know how it got there!


It sounds like you may be the victim of a prankster or whatever. Exactly
*where* is the message appearing?

Regards |:>)


Thank you CyberTaz. In a Word document I wanted to insert an address. I
clicked Tools<Letters and Mailings. In the box of the tab Envelopes, this
text was displayed where you would normally type an address or get from
address book.

If as you suggest it is a prankster - how on earth did it get there as my
antivirus prog worked ok and noone other than myself has access to my pc. How
do I get rid of it? Surely someone else must have suffered this, not just me?
It is most intrigueing!


No Suzanne, at the time there was no text at all in the document. Surely
Microsoft would have heard of it if its a bug?


Just for interest I googled the first line and the result is that the text is
the 2nd verse of Dominus Illuminatio Mea (Anonymous c. 19th Cent.)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I wish we could help, but, short of a virus or prank, I can't think of any
explanation for this.


Thank you Suzanne. Neither my Norton AntiVirus nor Ad-Aware has detected
infection. Do you know how it would have got into my Tools and on to the menu
in Letters and Mailing? I never run macros and I have only my own templates.
I have very precious work on this pc and I am about to transfer my files to
a new computer and Office 2003 and I don't want to take infection with me.
Please can Microsoft help me.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Do you still see this behavior if you start Word in Safe Mode (press Ctrl
while Word is loading)?


Thanks Suzanne. I've never had to do this. Do you mean that after turning on
my computer and starting up normally, I must hold down Ctrl and click
Microsoft Word?
If so what screen display should I expect to see? Opening Word opens a
blank document with Normal template. My problem was in a document with a
different template. Would it be ok to open that document in this mode? Will I
be able to Exit as normal? Sorry, I do know my software and computer well
but I suppose I'm lucky in that I have had very few problems and none that I
couldn't resolve.

Graham Mayor

Starting Word in safe mode (hold down ctrl and start Word) starts Word in
its leanest form without template or add-ins. If the problem now occurs when
you open that document and no other, the problem is with the document. If it
doesn't occur the problem is with the default template normal.dot or an

See http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/ProbsOpeningWord.htm
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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