leve chart



Dear Friends
I want to prepare leve chart . plese help me to solve it
1 Fareez H N
2 Pathma
3 Rusdhi N H
I have entered staff name in cloumn and date in row. in this list Fareez is
back up for Rusthi. if rusthi takes leave , Fareez can not be allowed for
taking leave.

I am using " H" for annual Leave "N" means not allowed to take leave. if I
enter H for rusthi then autoimaticaly N sld come for Fareez and vice versa.
I used "If "function but not much support. please note that if I enter H for
Rusthi and If leave is cancelled later I sld be able to delete H without any
affect to formula that cell contains .
there is no must to use N if we can block that cell also fine

Please help me

Shane Devenshire


You can not do this with a spreadsheet formula because you it would be a
circular reference. Your only alternative would be to use a VBA macro.
However, we would need to know how Pathma fits into the picture. How do we
know who is the backup for who?


Perhaps an option would be to not use an N and create a Conditional Format to
change the cell colour maybe to Red !?


As you said can use conditional Foramat too. and pathma not back up for any
one assume


In cell B1 enter Conditional Format =B3="H" and select colour, of your
choice, to format. In cell B3 enter Conditional Format =B1="H" and select
same colour.
Now when you enter H against either of the names the corresponding cell
against the other person will change colour indicating "can not be allowed
for taking leave."
Hope this helps


Thanks. could you please further explain how i can enter this conditonal
format if you dont mind.

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