Leveling Question



I have a resource that is scheduled to work 2 fixed duration tasks starting
on 9/29, finishing on 10/16 with a 10% resource allocation on each. So
everyday from 9/29 - 10/16 the resource is allocated to .8h on each task,
which gives her 1.6 hours of work each day. The resource has 20 tasks that
are each 1 hour long that are fixed units, effort driven. I would expect
that when I level, the 1 hour tasks would fill in the remaining available
time in parallel with the fixed duration tasks. What I am seeing is that the
1 hour tasks won't start until after the fixed duration tasks are complete.
What am I missing here?


Jan De Messemaeker


Your 10% tasks are interpreted by Project as 6 seconds of work every minute.
Your 1 hour tasks represent 60 seconds of work during their duration.
Since the max units of the resoruce are 100% the working capacity is only 60
seconds every minute so the tasks cannot happen simultaneously.

You may regret this (I do) but Project's leveling does not automagically
transfer a 10% task into a set of smaller 100% tasks.

Leveling ONLY delays tasks to avoid the overallocation, in NEVER changes
assignment units.

Now for the good news.
If you level on a day by day basis, Project will not detect the
overallocation (because total work for the day does not exceed 8 hrs) and it
will leave the 1 hr tasks alone.
But hour by hour, you see what you see.

Hope this helps.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


Thank you for the feedback. Does anybody else have a better way of
scheduling these types of tasks so that leveling will work nicely and provide
the adjustments I am looking for?

Gary L. Chefetz

Jan has described the correct way to use the tool and what settings to enter
to make if work in your situation. A best practice is to level one resource
at a time. Other than that, you're fully up to speed on leveling.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
Project Server Training: http://www.projectservertraining.com
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Project Server Help Blog: http://www.projectserverhelp.com

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