Levels not appearing in Outline View



I am using Word 2002 SP2 to create a new template. The template contains
styles Indent_01 through Indent_09 (don't ask), which are numbered
I.A.1.a.I)A)1)a)(I). I followed Shauna Kelly's article at
www.shaunakelly.com/word/numbering/ OutlineNumbering.html to the T and it
worked, the first time. Then that template got corrupted with the char bug so
I'm creating a brand-new template. I do everything that I did the first time,
but now when I create a document based on this template (or even when I look
at the template itself) in Outline View, it shows no levels. Instead, in the
Outline Level box it says "Body Text" despite the fact that I have defined
the style to be associated with Level 1 (or whatever).
I think part of the problem might be that I can't see a way to make Word
"forget" the old template. I have deleted it from my computer and yet the
styles still show up in the Styles and Formatting pane. Maybe Word doesn't
like more than one style to have a Level 1 setting? If that's the case, then
how do I make Word forget about the old styles? When I started creating this
template, it was from a blank document that didn't have any of the old
(offending) styles in it, so I don't understand why my new document template
isn't working. Help!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Admittedly this is confusing, but Outline view uses TOC outline levels
rather than list template outline levels. If you want your styles to show up
in Outline view, use Format: Paragraph in the Modify Style dialog to set the
outline level in the Paragraph dialog.

What makes this further confusing is that some of the sample outline lists
(those that are displayed in the gallery with Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading
3) are by default built on styles that do have a built-in TOC level (which
can't be changed, I think).


I'll print and file your reply for future reference! I got through my tough
spot by opening the template, placing my cursor in a line that ought to have
already had a Level assigned (by my thinking), 'manually' assigning a Level
using the Level dropdown list on the Outlining toolbar, and then choosing
"Update to Match Selection" in the Styles and Formatting pane for that style.
So far, this approach seems to be working. ...But if it fails, I'll be
referring to your response below. Thanks much for your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The method you're using should work just fine. It's accomplishing the same
thing as what I wrote (and a lot more easily).

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