Library Checkout 911



Good day all, I have a question that I really need addressed. I have a form
that have a listbox on it. The list box allows me to select individual
customer service reps and see how many audits where done on them for the
month. What I want to know is that if I select agent(s) for my report can I
have it setup that if someone else comes behind me to compose a duplicate
list they will not be able to pull those same agents I pulled because they
have been checked out by me. I need to be able to check them out and check
them in. Like when you check out a library book. This is an urgent request
I need to have this done by 1/1/10. Thank you in advance for your help.

Crystal (strive4peace)

Hi Isaac,

since you want your list to show what is checked out as well
as what is not, I recommend you display a second field as an
indicator -- and sort by this, then the title

Along the River,
Baby Blues,
Clever Cats,
Dog Bones,
About Me, out
Boats, out
Camping, out
Deserts, out

this way, the books that are available will be at the top of
the list -- and I would leave the indicator blank.

If someone picks a book to check out that is not available,
the code can then determine this by looking at the indicator
column and not allow it

Warm Regards,
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:) have an awesome day :)

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